
HBox » OVA » Immoral Sisters 2 ep1 - Return of Beloved Daddy

Immoral Sisters 2 ep1 - Return of Beloved Daddy

(Language: Japanese, English - Subtitles: Russian, English - Release: 2003)


Immoral Sisters 2 Ai Shimai 2 - Futari no Kajitsu: 2003 (愛姉妹2 ~二人の果実~) (無修)愛姉妹2~二人の果実~/第1話 「帰ってきた偏愛の父」 Taketo returns for another competition with his father to see who can bed Yukie, and as many members of her family at one time and how often. Will they be able to call a truce, or will the sisters be caught in the crossfire? And when Yumi, his father’s secretary, gets in on the act, a six-way is inevitable. 愛姉妹2 ~二人の果実~ 第一夜 「帰ってきた偏愛の父」 あの事件以降も、 丈人は北沢家に居座り、 母娘と淫らな性生活を送っていた。 そこに、 海外赴任中だった北沢家の主・邦彦が帰ってくることになる。 みんなで仲よく暮らしたいと考える智子。 丈人を追い出そうとする留美。 不能となった夫に甲斐甲斐しく奉仕する幸絵。 家族が様々な思惑を交錯させる中、 家庭崩壊の序曲が鳴り響く……。

Immoral Sisters 2 ep1 - Return of Beloved Daddy
Immoral Sisters 2 ep1 - Return of Beloved Daddy
Studio: Pink Pineapple
mkv - 640x480 - 33min - 295mb
Audio: Jpn AAC2, Eng AAC2

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Language: Japanese, English
Subtitles: Russian, English
Release: 2003
Update 23-12-2017 - New link

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Tags: Immoral Sisters, Daddy, 2003, father
  • Category: OVA
  • Date: 4-01-2014
  • Viev: 1 906

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  • Ahsoka
  • 18 февраля 2016 03:03
  • Group: Administrators | Registration: 17.02.2016 | News: 460 | Comments: 10 | Status: User offline
Review Immoral Sisters 2:
Just when things had finally settled down after all the rape and perverse family intermingling (though it should be noted that none of them are actually related), Immoral Sisters 2 throws in its own twist to ruin their beloved sexual harem. With her husband finally returning home from his prolonged business trip, Yukie and her daughters Rumi and Tomoko may have to find their erotic fix somewhere elsewhere now that their boy toy Takato is undoubtedly going to get thrown out. But he isn't about to go down without a fight as he's replaced by some pathetically impotent old man, and so the battle for love and ecstasy begins.

In an odd way, Immoral Sisters 2 is really a story about family reconciliation as Yukie's husband returns to his secretly dysfunctional family. It's immediately clear that he and Takato aren't going to be able to live under the same roof, but with his continued inability to get it up, this is not a situation Yukie can't live with for long. After all the sexual debauchery her body has tasted, she needs a strong man to ravage her now, and Takato can't help but use this as an opportunity to show off his skills. But all hope is not lost for Yukie's crumbling family. For it's not that her husband can't get it up anymore, he just has a certain desire for girls a tad younger than her. Namely his daughter Tomoko, whom he routinely fantasizes about while licking and smelling her old school swimsuit. Once that fires finally lit however, there's no telling just how crazy their sex orgies will become!

By the time Immoral Sisters 2 starts, elder sister Rumi and her father are largely the only two characters that have any humanity left. While Rumi just wants her family to stay together and is willing to forgo any sexual deviancy to make it happen, her father is constantly beating himself up over his shortcomings. That dynamic doesn't last for long however, not once Tomoko opens herself to her father and Rumi sees that everyone has finally come together as one big, sex filled and endlessly happy family.

While I never really came around to the incessant family drama, which just got progressively more annoying as the episodes went on, Immoral Sisters 2 at least knows how to give us some quality sex scenes. With more group scenes than not and an abundance of women, we get not only strap-on play but dual penetrations with double dildos and vibrators aplenty. The abundance of sex toys aside, these women have no problem showing a little love to one another, and if they're not having fun themselves they're helping to make things even better while another gets screwed from behind. It's simply a pleasure to watch and the quality technicals only serve to further enhance ones enjoyment, especially with the two delicious sisters who're absolutely adorable. They really could have used a couple of scenes with just the two of them, like they did in the first, but no dice this time around. I will say that the English language track doesn't quite do it justice, so your best move is to simply watch it subbed.

After losing all the rape for a heavy dose a family drama, Immoral Sisters 2 isn't very intriguing story-wise. However, the wonderful sex scenes, filled to the brim with lewd toys and incessant orgies, do more than make up for its other shortcomings. That being said, Immoral Sisters 2 is definitely a hentai title to check out if you're looking for some great sexual decadence, but that's about it.


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