Darling - ep.1 (ダーリン) UNCENSORED + RAW
(Language: Japanese, English, Spanish - Subtitles: English, Spanish - Release: 2003)
Plot Summary: Jun Kitano is a hentai manga artist who just got married to his long-time assistant Miyuki. One day, a chief editor named Sonoko Mifuji comes to his house and asks him to come up with an entirely new manga in less than a month. Failure to do so will result in the publisher getting his way with Sonoko. Jun decides to take the job, as he and Miyuki have a secret method to complete any manga in record time. 主人公は新婚ほやほやのエロ漫画家。 ある日、出版社からエロ漫画の依頼をうける。 かわいい奥さんとコスプレHして ハイパーエレクチオンモードで全力投球だ! チャイナ服に看護婦、はたまたSMと主人公の妄想も超アップモード! 勃起状態を持続させて普段の十倍のスピードで原稿を描き上げる! 締め切りまで残された日数は19日と21時間。 ダーリン、がんばって!
Alternative title: ダーリン (Japanese)
Genres: comedy, erotica, slice of life
Themes: cosplay
Objectionable content: Pornography
Aired: Feb 18, 2003 to Jun 27, 2003
Release Date: 2003/02/18
Producers: Media Blasters, Kitty Media
Audio: Jap, Eng, Spa
Sub: Eng, Spa
MKV - 640x480 - 348mb - 27min
RAW: 640x480AVI, 960x720MP4
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Language: Japanese, English, Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Release: 2003
Update 23-12-2017 - New link
Genres: comedy, erotica, slice of life
Themes: cosplay
Objectionable content: Pornography
Aired: Feb 18, 2003 to Jun 27, 2003
Release Date: 2003/02/18
Producers: Media Blasters, Kitty Media
Audio: Jap, Eng, Spa
Sub: Eng, Spa
MKV - 640x480 - 348mb - 27min
RAW: 640x480AVI, 960x720MP4
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Language: Japanese, English, Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Release: 2003
Update 23-12-2017 - New link
Tags: Comedy, Erotic Game, Sex, Darling, cosplay